School Safety, Climate, Culture & Threat Assessment Team

2024-2025 Team Members

Frank Sedita, Principal
Brenda Coe, Assistant Principal
Kiwanna Colwell,Special Education Teacher
Eric Eder, Physical Education Teacher
Aliyah Warren, Paraprofessional
Marissa May, Kindergarten Teacher
Anne Ndungu, School Nurse
Kimberly Raison, Head Custodian
Ayana Stewart-Hartfield, Parent

Detective Captain James Lalor, Montclair Police Department Juvenile Bureau Liaison
Detective Brianna Grochowski, Montclair Police Department Juvenile Bureau Liaison
Amillah Williamson, Student Assistance Counselor

As stated in the School Safety Team District Policy--Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying P-5512 in Section G of Policy P-5512: Anti-Bullying Coordinator, Anti-Bullying Specialist and School Safety Team(s):

A School Safety Team shall be formed in each school in the district to develop, foster, and maintain a positive school climate by focusing on the on-going, systemic process and practices in the school, and to address school climate issues such as harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Each School Safety Team shall meet at least two times per school year. The School Safety Team shall consist of the Principal or the Principal's designee who, if possible, shall be a senior administrator in the school and the following appointees of the Principal: a teacher in the school; a school Anti-Bullying Specialist; a parent of a pupil in the school; and other members to be determined by the Principal. The school Anti-Bullying Specialist shall serve as the chair of the School Safety Team.

The School Safety Team shall:

a. Receive any complaints of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of pupils that have been reported to the Principal;

b. Receive copies of any report prepared after an investigation of an incident of harassment, intimidation, or bullying;

c. Identify and address patterns of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of pupils in the school;

d. Review and strengthen school climate and the policies of the school in order to prevent and address harassment, intimidation, or bullying of pupils;

e. Educate the community, including pupils, teachers, administrative staff, and parents, to prevent and address harassment, intimidation, or bullying of pupils;

f. Participate in the training required pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A.18A:37-13 et seq. and other training which the Principal or the district Anti-Bullying Coordinator may request;

g. Collaborate with the district Anti-Bullying Coordinator in the collection of district-wide data and in the development of district policies to prevent and address harassment, intimidation, or bullying of pupils; and

h. Execute such other duties related to harassment, intimidation, or bullying as requested by the Principal or district Anti-Bullying Coordinator.

The members of a School Safety Team shall be provided professional development opportunities that address effective practices of successful school climate programs or approaches. Notwithstanding any provision of N.J.S.A. 18A:37-21 to the contrary, a parent who is a member of the School Safety Team shall not participate in the activities of the team set forth in 3. a., b., or c. above or any other activities of the team which may compromise the confidentiality of a pupil.

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