This past week our school community truly embraced a concept that guides many of our daily conversations at Nishuane: how to be a CHANGEMAKER. Our focus during this week’s Social Justice Week of Action highlighted how young people have the endless potential to promote positive change in our school, community, and world. Please see directly below to learn more regarding how our learners were engaged over the course of this important week.
Social Justice Week of Action
To celebrate Social Justice Week of Action, students learned about changemakers who are working to make our world a better place; Changemakers like Jahkil Jackson & Orion Jean are helping people; Eniola Shokunbi & Dasia Taylor are helping our health; and Autumn Peletier & Lino Marrero are helping the environment. We encourage students to share one fact about a young changemaker that they learned about in class with someone at home.
Black History Month Overview & Social Justice Week of Action
We are proud of our Second Graders for sharing their very creative Bottle Buddy projects with us that help their classmates at Nish learn the stories of notable African Americans of the past and present who we believe are changemakers. On display are many different changemakers like: doctors, authors, athletes, musicians, astronauts, singers, artists, inventors, politicians, entrepreneurs, etc. These projects are on display for the entire school community to view throughout the month of February. Students have been encouraged to give compliments to second graders on a job well done!
❤️💯💕Valentine’s Day & 100th Day of School 💕💯❤️
This upcoming Friday, February 14th is Valentine’s Day! The 100th Day of School will follow on Thursday, February 20th (pending no school closures)! There will be many fun and exciting activities in homerooms over the next two weeks to celebrate both special occasions. Please see below for important reminders pertaining to Valentine’s Day including food safety and bringing in special treats for the Nishuane staff!
Reminder Regarding Food & Birthday Celebrations
Please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements to celebrate your child’s birthday. In accordance with Montclair Public Schools Food Policies & Procedures (outlined within the Nishuane Family Handbook), no food is allowed for birthday parties, other individual student celebrations, or to be used as student rewards. You may choose to read a favorite story, plan a craft or bring in a small treat such as a pencil or stickers for students. You can coordinate with your child’s teacher.
*Please note that this policy pertains to holidays and celebrations such as Valentine’s Day. No candy/food may be distributed with Valentine’s Day cards. Thank you for your careful attention and support with this important safety measure!
Nishuane Playground Construction Update
Construction on the Nishuane playground began on Friday, January 10th and is presently underway. Construction resumed in full on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The project was once again paused on Thursday due to the snow and ice. The inclement weather that is anticipated over the course of the next week may cause further delays. The upper blacktop and field area will be accessible to students for outdoor recess when the weather permits. A rotation has been created for students to have opportunities to go outdoors to one of these two locations on specific days. On days that students are indoors, they will continue to rotate among various locations in the building. We have been intentional to offer students a menu of engaging activities and spaces that incorporate movement, as well as socialization. The contractor shared that they anticipate the entire project being completed by mid-March. As a reminder throughout the duration of the project, we ask that all visitors to Nishuane please be mindful of the closed outdoor areas and to remain away from the construction site. Updates will continue to be provided via the Nish News and are also available on the district website at this link. We very much look forward to having a new playground to use for the second portion of the school year!
CI & Aesthetics Registration
It is almost time to pick CI’s and Aesthetics Courses for your child(ren) for the 2025-2026 School Year.
We will open up Genesis for CI requests first from Thursday, February 20th through Friday, March 7th. Students will be screened for their CI requests from March 18th through April 5th. Parents will be notified about the screening results the week of April 15th.
We will open up Genesis for the Aesthetics requests from Thursday, April 24th through Friday, May 16th. Scheduling of these classes will take place over the summer.
We will be holding a Parent Information Session about the CI and Aesthetics requests process via Zoom on Wednesday, February 19th from 6:30 – 7:30pm to go over how the process will work this year.
There will be a Parent Information Session about CI Requests via Zoom
to review the CI Registration process.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 813 733 3502
Passcode: 9SJt7M
*Creative I Registration Letter
*Course information is on our website at:
*Registration Information and an FAQ are posted on our website at:
Lunar New Year Celebration
On January 31st, Mrs. Santiago's and Ms. Kolenovic's first grade class celebrated Lunar New Year by performing an adaptation of an ancient Chinese fable called “The Legend of Nian The Monster.” This fable tells the story of how the villagers in a small town learned how to use the color red, bright lights, and loud noises to frighten away a scary monster forever! These became the traditions of wearing red, lighting firecrackers, and banging drums on Lunar New Year! The students did a great job performing the play and two Kindergarten classes were able to come and watch!
🎉😊Nishuane Faculty & Staff Compliment Club🎉😊
It is our absolute honor and pleasure to serve the learners and families of the Nishuane community! Our passionate faculty and staff work tirelessly to foster a nurturing and nourishing learning environment for each of our learners every day.
In appreciation of our faculty and staff, we invite all members of our community to join our “Compliment Club” by recognizing and celebrating the unwavering dedication of Nishuane’s talented faculty and staff. Please utilize this Google form to recognize individual faculty/staff members and/or groups/teams at Nishuane. The compliment will be shared with the spotlighted faculty/staff member(s) and/or group(s)/team(s). This form will be open throughout the course of the 2024-2025 school year and multiple compliments may be shared by a community member. Please feel free to revisit and submit compliments at any time!
Thank you for "filling buckets" by showing your appreciation of Nishuane’s faculty and staff! 😊
Dressing for Colder Temperatures
As the temperature begins to drop, please be sure to send your child to school each day with warm clothing. As a reminder, outdoor recess is held outdoors when the real temperature is 28 degrees Fahrenheit or above (when there is no inclement weather). Jackets and dressing in layers for temperature fluctuations is strongly encouraged.
Arrival & Dismissal Safety
Please carefully review the important Nishuane School arrival and dismissal information included in the beginning of year communications and available here. These protocols and safety precautions must be carefully followed at all times to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal.
As always, thank you for your partnership in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our entire school community!
Nishuane Visitor Form & Protocols
● Please click here to review Nishuane’s visitor protocols. Visitors must complete the visitor form prior to a visit.
○ Please remember that visitors must report only to the location of the building that was indicated on the visitor form. Visitors may not visit other locations in the building. Thank you for your support with this important safety measure!
○ Please wear a visitor’s badge for the duration of your visit. The visitor’s badge must be visible at all times.
○ Please do not prop doors open under any circumstance.
○ Please do not hold open the door for anyone behind you when entering or exiting the building.
Nish Spirit Wear Fridays
Every Friday at Nishuane is School Spirit Day! On Fridays students may participate by wearing blue and white, as well as Nishuane spirit wear. Spirit wear is available for purchase through our PTA.
Nishuane Instagram
Nishuane is on Instagram! Follow us @nishschool for a peek into the learning and fun we have in our community. Our account is private for everyone's safety. When requesting to follow us, please send a message with your child's name and we will accept you.
Nurse’s Notes
Please see the below reminders from Nurse Anne Ndungu
(Phone: 973-509-4236~Fax: 973-509-1197 ~ E-mail: [email protected]):
I hope that everyone is doing well and healthy. I wanted to notify you that there is a stomach bug that is going around the school. Please remind your child/children to wash their hands frequently, especially before and after eating and when they cough or sneeze. One healthy habit proven to reduce illness is hand washing. If you notice that your child is having the following, please keep them home from school:
. Fever over 100 F. The child may return to school when fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications (Tylenol, Motrin).
. Vomiting or diarrhea. May return to school 24 hours after the symptoms are resolved and able to tolerate a normal diet.
. Complaining of a stomach ache that will not go away.. Please do not hesitate to seek the advice of your healthcare provider to determine when your child can return to school.
Also, kindly send an extra pair of clothes for your child to keep in their locker just in case of an accident. I am kindly asking for a donation of slightly used clothes for boys and girls ages 5-8yrs.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
I wish you and your families a great weekend!
Anne Ndungu, RN
Phone: 973-509-4236 Fax: 973-509-1197
Email: [email protected]