We had a wonderful first full week of school at Nishuane! Students and staff actively engaged in learning and fun during this first full week of school. We thank all caregivers that attended our Back to School Night. The introductory slides from Back to School Night may be accessed here. As always, your unwavering partnership is greatly appreciated!
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic and Latiné Heritage Month from September 15th-October 15th. During this time, we recognize and celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. Over the course of the next month, learners will explore Hispanic & Latiné heritage through read-alouds, as well as a spotlight on various countries and prominent people. We will be highlighting this information each week on the Nish News as well so that you may extend the learning experience at home!
As a reminder, important information may be found in the Nishuane Back to School Resources Guide. Important dates may also be found in the the Nishuane Family Calendar. Also, if you have not done so already, please take a moment to follow us @nishschool on our private Instagram account. When requesting to follow us, please send a message with your child's name & teacher and we will accept you.
Arrival & Dismissal Safety
Please carefully review the important Nishuane School arrival and dismissal information included in the beginning of year communications and available here. These protocols and safety precautions must be carefully followed at all times to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal.
As always, thank you for your partnership in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our entire school community!
For the safety of all children, please follow these guidelines during drop-off and pick up:
2.) Do not leave children unsupervised at the school before 9:00 am Door A (Cedar Avenue Main Entrance only).
a.) Students cannot play on the playground before or after school without caregiver supervision.
3.) Park your car and walk your children to the front door.
4.) Do not double park or block traffic on Cedar Avenue.
5.) At all times, watch out for other children.
6.) Do not use the school’s parking lot for drop-off or pick up.
7.) At all times, follow posted parking signage.
Nishuane Visitor Form & Protocols
● Please click here to review Nishuane’s visitor protocols. Visitors must complete the visitor form prior to a visit.
○ Please remember that visitors must report only to the location of the building that was indicated on the visitor form. Visitors may not visit other locations in the building. Thank you for your support with this important safety measure!
○ Please wear a visitor’s badge for the duration of your visit. The visitor’s badge must be visible at all times.
○ Please do not prop doors open under any circumstance.
○ Please do not hold open the door for anyone behind you when entering or exiting the building.
Swahili Storytime at the Montclair Public Library with Ms. Sabina Wasonga-Gitau
Please join our very own Ms. Sabina Wasogna-Gitau for a very special Swahili Storytime being hosted at the Montclair Public Library on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 4:00 pm-5:15 pm. Additional details may be found here.
Physical Education Bulletin Board
Please click here to access a flyer regarding the creation of a Physical Education board.
Nish Spirit Wear Fridays
Every Friday at Nishuane is School Spirit Day! On Fridays students may participate by wearing blue and white, as well as Nishuane spirit wear. Spirit wear is available for purchase through our PTA.
Nishuane Instagram
Nishuane is on Instagram! Follow us @nishschool for a peek into the learning and fun we have in our community. Our account is private for everyone's safety. When requesting to follow us, please send a message with your child's name and we will accept you.
🎉😊Nishuane Faculty & Staff Compliment Club🎉😊
It is our absolute honor and pleasure to serve the learners and families of the Nishuane community! Our passionate faculty and staff work tirelessly to foster a nurturing and nourishing learning environment for each of our learners every day.
In appreciation of our faculty and staff, we invite all members of our community to join our “Compliment Club” by recognizing and celebrating the unwavering dedication of Nishuane’s talented faculty and staff. Please utilize this Google form to recognize individual faculty/staff members and/or groups/teams at Nishuane. The compliment will be shared with the spotlighted faculty/staff member(s) and/or group(s)/team(s). This form will be open throughout the course of the 2024-2025 school year and multiple compliments may be shared by a community member. Please feel free to revisit and submit compliments at any time!
Thank you for "filling buckets" by showing your appreciation of Nishuane’s faculty and staff! 😊
Nurse’s Notes
Please see the below reminders from Nurse Anne Ndungu
(Phone: 973-509-4236~Fax: 973-509-1197 ~ E-mail: [email protected]):
Dear Nishuane Families,
A warm welcome to our new families and a warm welcome back to all our returning families. It has been such a pleasure the last few days to meet our new students and to see all the familiar faces.
I hope that everyone had a healthy and wonderful summer. Parents of kindergarten students and transferring students if have not submit the medical documents, the following is required:
● A current Physical (within a year).
● An up-to-date Immunizations record.
● Health Survey.
Yearly Physicals forms are greatly appreciated in order to keep the students' records up to date.
For students with allergies, asthma or any other medical conditions, please submit the Action Plans which are renewed every year and drop off the medications as soon as possible.
All forms can be obtained from the district's website or from the nurse's office.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your continued cooperation. I am looking forward to a great school year!
Anne Ndungu, RN
Phone: 973-509-4236 Fax: 973-509-1197
Email: [email protected]