
  •  The following methods allow Nishuane administrators and staff to communicate effectively with families and provide information about classroom and school events!
  • Nishuane "A-Z" - The parents and guardians of incoming Kindergarten and students who are new to Nishuane are invited to attend this summer evening event. Families are notified of the date and time by mail.  This event includes an opportunity for supervised children's play while parents and guardians join the principal for an overview of procedures, policies, and curriculum. We are also so excited to present "Kindergarten 101" to give families a snapshot of their child's kindergarten experience. Families will gain insight into how to prepare themselves and their children for a wonderful and successful year!
  • Nishuane News - You will receive a copy of this newsletter from the principals via e-blast! It contains highlights of student activities, learning and upcoming events.
  • Teacher Newsletters - Teachers create monthly newsletters to update families on the unfolding curriculum and ways to support learning at home.
  • Nishuane Website - School related and district information can be located on our site, which is updated regularly. Please visit and then select "Nishuane").
  • Email Blasts - We are trying to "Go Green", so please check your email for updates from the school.
  • Formal Teacher Conferences-Your child's teacher will ask you to sign-up for formal conference dates during the annual Back-to-School Night. There are both afternoon and evening conference times available to you-the dates available to you - the dates are listed on our master calendar.
  • Informal Teacher Conferences - The faculty at Nishuane is committed to working with you to help your child succeed. Please call or send a note with your child to discuss any questions or concerns. Please do not "pop-in" to chat with your child's teacher. They are eager to help you, but are busy working with children and will reach out to you as soon as they are free.
  • Automated Attendance Messages - You will receive an automated call from the district system when your child is late and/or absent. These calls are made regardless of notes from home explaining the tardiness or the absence.
  • Meeting with the Principal - Parents should always speak with the classroom teacher first since he or she knows your child at school best. However, if you have a concern or suggestion that needs the attention of the principal, please send a note, email, or call the office. Appointments can be made through the school secretary-please be specific about the appointment request so that the principal can be best prepared to address your concerns.
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