
Several years ago, the State of New Jersey placed strict limitations on expenditures for conference and travel. These instructions include some newly revised requirements, so please be sure to read and follow these instructions carefully before you register for any of these types of events.

The following are some key points for all staff members to be aware of and to assist you in obtaining the necessary approvals:

  1. These guidelines apply to all conference and travel events that are paid for by district regardless of the source of funds. Therefore, any conference and travel event that is funded by federal, state and local grants (including MFEE) must follow all of the procedures listed on the attached instructions.
  2. All registration/expenditures require prior approval from the Board of Education. In order to obtain this approval, you must submit a conference and travel approval form (attached). Please pay special note to the following when completing this form:
    • Forms must be submitted for approval well in advance of the event (at least SIX WEEKS prior to conference registration deadline) and must be signed by the employee, their Principal/Supervisor and Department Head.
    • If you are requesting payment of any expenses, then you must provide back-up (registration form with the fee, lodging costs, and meal costs with the GSA printout from the website ( indicating the Federal OMB rate for the city you will be traveling to, etc.)
    • The mileage reimbursement is limited to the State of New Jersey's rate of $.47 per mile, effective July 1, 2022. This rate has not changed and remains in effect for the 2023-24 School Year.
    • The district cannot pay more than the amount approved by the Board of Education; so if you are unsure of an amount, overestimate it on the approval form.
    • Incomplete forms (including forms missing account numbers and approval signatures) will be sent back to the school which will delay the approval process.
    • Do not register for any event until you receive your conference and travel form back with my signature on it indicating that it has been approved by the Board of Education. All approved Travel and Conference will be scanned back to the School Secretary.
  3. Requisitions submitted for payment for conference and travel must include the signed approval form, Post Travel Evaluation Form and proof of expenditures.
  4. Everyone must follow these rules. No supervisor or administrator is authorized to approve any deviation from these requirements.
  5. No payment or reimbursement will be made for any expenditure that is not approved in the manner outlined on the attached instructions. Employees will be personally responsible for registration fees and other costs incurred without the proper approvals.
  6. Within ten days of completion of the event, employees must provide a brief report that describes the key issues addressed and their relevance to improving the district. A copy of this form is also attached.
  7. Conference and travel is broadly defined by the State and includes regular business travel, training and retreats among other things. If you have any questions about specific events and/ or the procedures to be followed, please do not hesitate to contact the Business Office.
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