Teen Resources

Whatever your situation, you never need to be alone. If you need information, guidance, support, or just a caring person to talk to, all you need to know is where to look. Depending on whom you feel most comfortable with, you can go to a:parent/guardian, teacher/professor, religious/spiritual advisor, doctor, relative, guidance counselor, peer counselor/educator, nurse, friend, coach, family planning clinic, neighbor, health department, or youth program adult.

Alcohol/Drugs Substance Abuse Hotline 1-800 662-4357
Dating Violence Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-572-7233
Eating Disorders Anorexia/Bulimia Association 1-800-522-2230
HIV/AIDS National AIDS Hotline 1-800-342-AIDS (2437)
Pregnancy Planned Parenthood Health Center Hotline 1-800-230-PLAN (7526)
Sexual Assault and Abuse Rape, Abuse & Incest Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Sexual Orientation The Gay/Lesbian Hotline 1-888-THE-GLNH (4564)
Sexually Transmitted Infections Planned Parenthood Health Center Hotline
National STI Hotline
1-800-230-PLAN (7526)
Suicide Crisis Intervention Center 1-800-273-8255
Unprotected Sexual Intercourse Planned Parenthood Health Center Hotline 1-800-230-PLAN (7526)

Emergency Contraception Hotline (Within 72 hours of intercourse) 1-888-NOT-2LATE

Teen Websites

Teen drug abuse facts and statistics

Chat with a doctor; ask questions, advice and guidance given by teens to other teens. (Created by Atlantic Health Systems).

Magazine offers articles and advice about sex to teens. Read the current issue, submit questions, subscribe, or find out how to get involved. (By Rutgers University).

A doctor answers your teen health questions, and other users can submit their own comments. Find archived messages and links to other resources. Sign up and log in.

Works with families to educate parents and teens on the dangers of teen substance abuse. They believe that by providing teens and their loved ones with a better understanding of addiction, its causes, how to prevent it, and when to consider treatment, they will be better equipped to fight teen addiction and substance abuse.

Contains topics such as: Your body, Your mind, Sexual Health, Food & Fitness, Drugs & Alcohol School & Jobs, En Español, Nutrition.

Has a link to teen web sites. Click on teen health and choose a category.

The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. GLSEN believes that such an atmosphere engenders a positive sense of self, which is the basis of educational achievement and personal growth. GLSEN seeks to develop school climates where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes in creating a more vibrant and diverse community.

Family & Friends Guide
Friends & family play a vital role in teen's mental health and their recovery. This preventative guide provides information for parents about teen drug use, how to recognize symptoms, and various ways to provide help.

The Youthhood is a free, interactive Web site that young adults and their teachers, parents, and mentors can use to plan for life after high school.

Young Girl's/Women Health Issues

Resources and support for everyone interested in media and information literacy for young people.

This site is based on the book, "Adios Barbie." Read what others have to say about body image, and you can even play "Feed the Model."

Website for teen girls by adult authors who maintain a non-judgmental tone, offering information and dialogue and urging girls to make their own decisions. The book "Deal with It! a whole new approach to your body, brain and life as a gurl" was written by the three authors of the website (Heather McDonald, Rebecca Odes and Esther Drill).

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