The Montclair Public Schools believes in celebrating the rich history of our magnet school system while ensuring consistent, high quality instruction for all learners. The Montclair Public Schools offers English as a Second Language (ESL) to students K through 12 who are developing their proficiency in the English language. Student eligibility is determined through the administration of a New Jersey state approved English proficiency assessment. The individual progress of English Language Learners (ELLs) is carefully monitored through standardized testing.
English as a Second Language K-5
At the elementary level (grades K-5) English as a Second Language is offered to students whose primary language is not English, as well as to learners who are still developing proficiency in English as a second language. Eligible students are enrolled in the mainstream classroom, however receive supplemental instruction daily in an intensive small group setting. ESL instruction is delivered exclusively in English through a proficiency-based approach and develops linguistic concepts, as well as academic language that may be transferred across content areas.
English as a Second Language 6-12
English as a Second Language is offered in grades 6-12. Students enrolled in the program receive supplemental instruction exclusively in English through a High-Intensity English as a Second Language program. This instruction provides students with imperative linguistic concepts, as well as the academic language necessary across content areas. In grades 6-8 students are scheduled for a daily block of ESL. Students in grades 9-12 are scheduled for both an ESL and ESL Support class.
Sheltered English Instruction K-12
Professional development in the area of Sheltered English Instruction is offered to mainstream classroom teachers. Sheltered English Instruction provides educators with effective strategies for differentiating and engaging students with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds across content areas.
Additional Bilingual/ESL Resources